♫ Music and Life ♫
Monday, May 2, 2011
Monday, December 6, 2010
Salam Ma'al Hijrah
Salam semua.Hari ini ialah hari tahun baru kepada semua umat islam.Hari ini merupakan hari keagamaan di mana umat Islam mengadakan solat sunat di masjid-masjid di seluruh negeri.Semua jangan lupa membaca doa akhir tahun dan awal tahun.I would like to say Selamat Tahun Baru to all my muslim Brothers and Sisters ..Salam Ma’al Hijrah 1432.Saya harap anda enjoy post ini.Selam Ma'al Hijrah.....

Baby Blue Ice-cream
Hey guys! I'm really bored right now so I thought about what's good for today's topic.Something comel. Nak tahu tak apa yang sangat comel? Cuba tengok gambar ini.

Comel kan?Cuba teka apa ini. It's a baby blue ice-cream.Haha bye guys.Comel kan?

Comel kan?Cuba teka apa ini. It's a baby blue ice-cream.Haha bye guys.Comel kan?
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Skolah Kat Msia
Hi best nye dah cuti sekolah. Best nye dapat dengar lagu kat kakak punye mp3. best. Sekarang kakak tengah suke dengar lagu jadi abah beli kan mp3. best.
Tahun ini cuti beberape bulan.best. Sekolah cume 3 bulan sahaja.best. Tapi tahun depan kene la belajar betol betol biar dapat no. 1 dalam kelas. susah. Tahun depan kakak ambik test PMR. Tahun depan Hamka sekolah. Mase dekat sekolah best kadang tak best. Saya lemah dekat perkara agama dgn bahasa arab. Agama sekarang dah boleh cume arab sahaja. Agama cikgu nye pun baik . Cikgu paling yang baik ialah cikgu Noraini(bahasa melayu) dan cikgu Wan Normilah(agama) diorang baik sebab tahulah saya kat U.S 3 thn. Cikgu paling garang ialah cikgu Huzaliza(muzik) and ustazah Suhaila(arab). Tahun depan saya jadik Pengawas Pusat Sumber. Kene pakai uniform warne cokelet. Rase mama n abah kasik x? ok bye people. :)

Tahun ini cuti beberape bulan.best. Sekolah cume 3 bulan sahaja.best. Tapi tahun depan kene la belajar betol betol biar dapat no. 1 dalam kelas. susah. Tahun depan kakak ambik test PMR. Tahun depan Hamka sekolah. Mase dekat sekolah best kadang tak best. Saya lemah dekat perkara agama dgn bahasa arab. Agama sekarang dah boleh cume arab sahaja. Agama cikgu nye pun baik . Cikgu paling yang baik ialah cikgu Noraini(bahasa melayu) dan cikgu Wan Normilah(agama) diorang baik sebab tahulah saya kat U.S 3 thn. Cikgu paling garang ialah cikgu Huzaliza(muzik) and ustazah Suhaila(arab). Tahun depan saya jadik Pengawas Pusat Sumber. Kene pakai uniform warne cokelet. Rase mama n abah kasik x? ok bye people. :)
Friday, August 13, 2010
In malaysia
Hey im in malaysia. since i'm here i'll be typing my blog in bahasa melayu. i can still write in english if you comment on this post and tell me that ok bye.
masa tu ade orang keling and melayu. well they both are b*tch-es. well first of all we got 2 malaysia and did all of our makeup in that tandas. so we like go back and forth to get kite rang punye makeup. so there was this old lady who doesn't know how to use the pipe so the water was everywhere.and the b*tches said budak budak nie lah was like come on at least we know how 2 pee.. when we got outside hamka (adik) drop his lollipop n we went in there again and washed and be sayin jangan basuh nati basah and my sister was all like tejatuh lah tadi! and i was like go baby go! jadik we told our parents and momma said talk polietly and my dad said garang sikit pun boleh like this ingat orang x tau nak kencing he!

masa tu ade orang keling and melayu. well they both are b*tch-es. well first of all we got 2 malaysia and did all of our makeup in that tandas. so we like go back and forth to get kite rang punye makeup. so there was this old lady who doesn't know how to use the pipe so the water was everywhere.and the b*tches said budak budak nie lah was like come on at least we know how 2 pee.. when we got outside hamka (adik) drop his lollipop n we went in there again and washed and be sayin jangan basuh nati basah and my sister was all like tejatuh lah tadi! and i was like go baby go! jadik we told our parents and momma said talk polietly and my dad said garang sikit pun boleh like this ingat orang x tau nak kencing he!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Goin 2 California!!!
Ahhhhh!!! I'm so exited that I'm goin 2 California 2morrow. Since we're goin 2 California, I feel like listening 2 this song California Gurls by Katy Perry. I'm sure a lot of you guys have heard of the song. The song is so good...
Okay...About our trip..
We're gonna have so much fun cause...My dad, he already paid 4 us 2 go to Disneyland, Universal Studios, and much much more. Since I'm goin 2 California I'm goin 2 post some of my posts that I save 2 draft. So after our trip I'm going 2 send you guys some pics..Peace and Love
Okay...About our trip..
We're gonna have so much fun cause...My dad, he already paid 4 us 2 go to Disneyland, Universal Studios, and much much more. Since I'm goin 2 California I'm goin 2 post some of my posts that I save 2 draft. So after our trip I'm going 2 send you guys some pics..Peace and Love
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Dad's B-day
Guess what?? Today's my dad's birthday. I don't know if he reads my blog or not but i hope he does because he follows my blog... I just want him 2 read dis. Happy Birthday Dad.. You guys can go 2 his blog if u wanna its http://khata-jabor.blogspot.com/ .
And I forgot something... I didn't tell u guys what was his b-day cake. okay so it was carrot cake. I'll show a picture of him and the carrot cake.Bye

And I forgot something... I didn't tell u guys what was his b-day cake. okay so it was carrot cake. I'll show a picture of him and the carrot cake.Bye
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